Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that penis augmentation is the most effective method of all known to science. However, due to the lack of information about the course and results of this procedure, not everyone decides to take drastic measures. Meanwhile, it's worth talking about before going "under the knife" of a plastic surgeon.
Types of operations
The male penis is, in a sense, a symbol of the owner's success. According to research, a large penis can really make a difference in a man's life. Confidence in women is largely determined by self-esteem, which, according to surveys, depends on the number of centimeters in the pants.
However, women themselves admit that in the intimate sense, the length of the penis is not as important as the width (diameter). Therefore, depending on the man's will, there are two types of interference:
- LigamentotomyIt is an operation to lengthen the penis. Thanks to the technologies available today, you can count on a range of 1 to 6 cm;
- Lipofilling- Medical manipulation to increase the diameter of the penis.
Theoretically, these operations can be combined, but no specialist will commit such a dangerous event. If a man wants to change his dignity in both length and width, the surgery will be performed in two stages, with a mandatory rehabilitation period in between.
Procedure tips
Today, the goal of plastic surgery is not only to correct objective defects in appearance, but also to satisfy the wishes of the client, even without medical advice. Breast augmentation, for example, is an increasingly common procedure due to fashion trends.

As for intimate male plastics, the prerequisites for a radical method of penis enlargement are:
- Insufficient size of the phallus in an excited state. According to research, the penis with an erection should be at least 8 cm. This length allows you to have sex and have children;
- Peyronie's disease. This pathology manifests itself in adult men and causes curvature of the penis, as well as reduction. In addition, sexual intercourse is not possible due to severe pain syndrome due to this disease;
- Injuries. Trauma in childhood can affect the growth and development of the penis. Of course, everything has its time, but it is quite possible to solve such a problem during adolescence;
- Congenital pathologies. When the penis begins to grow actively, it can be identified as a teenager. Unfortunately, boys are ashamed of their characteristics and cannot ask for help in time;
- Hormonal disorders during adolescence. Lack of testosterone also affects the development of the reproductive system. Hormone therapy will no longer have such an effect in the future, so the only way to change the situation is to consult a surgeon.
These factors have very objective indications that they are medical indications for a radical operation. However, as noted, plastic surgeons will take on this task, even if the patient has only one wish.
If a man feels this, he can ask for help:
- Due to the lack of length and width of the penis, the partner is not completely satisfied;
- Does not meet generally accepted standards and suffers from low self-esteem;
- Aesthetically, the size of the penis does not fit the idea;
- Not as durable as men.
Of course, the patient should be examined by a sexologist and psychologist before surgery to rule out moral consequences. If intervention is really needed, a person needs to prepare for a difficult period in his life.
Preoperative examination and contraindications
As with other surgeries, the doctor must make sure that there are no contraindications to its implementation.

Therefore, he must undergo a number of examinations in a hospital setting:
- Urine and blood analysis;
- Coagulogram (allows you to determine the rate of blood clotting);
- ECG (electrocardiogram);
- Get tested for HIV, AIDS and other infections.
In addition, if we are talking about an operation for medical reasons, a visit to an endocrinologist and urologist will be scheduled. The list of examinations will be completed by ultrasound and MRI of the pelvic organs.
After the patient has passed all the specialists and prepared the laboratory results, the surgeon decides to operate. If a man has the following diseases, he will be rejected:
- Infectious and inflammatory process;
- Chronic pathologies during exacerbation;
- Heart pathology;
- Angina pectoris;
- Endocrine diseases;
- Oncology;
- Sexually transmitted diseases.
If the patient has at least one reason to refuse, the doctor is not responsible for the operation. Otherwise, it threatens not only a complication during the operation, but also the development of irreversible consequences for a man to impotence.

Therefore, before going to the operating table, you need to make sure that the body is completely healthy and ready for a very complex manipulation of the penis.
Surgical penis enlargement: methods and features
Today, innovative technologies allow us to talk about safe manipulation methods. Generally, the operation does not take more than 45 minutes under general anesthesia.
Despite the lack of confidence in this type of surgery, the operation itself is not so difficult. The fact is that the penis itself is on average 4 cm longer than a man can see. Due to its special structure, part of the penis is hidden under the pubic bone, and in this case it is caught by the ligament. The surgeon's task is to relax it and prevent it from narrowing during healing.

To lengthen the penis, the surgeon makes a small incision in the scrotum. This medical procedure involves cutting the ligament that supports the penis.
In addition, the surgeon either places the fatty tissue from the patient's hip at the incision site or applies a special mesh made of synthetic material. This is done so that the garden does not grow together. Later, the result of this surgery will be to move the penis forward.
One condition during the next stage of surgery will be the covering of an expander, which is needed to prevent the ligament from shrinking. The patient should know that the device should be used for 5 months.
If a man wants to increase the diameter of his penis, then microsurgery is used. As an implant, the doctor removes adipose tissue (usually from the gluteal fold) and then "wraps" it around the penis after making an incision at the base. Thanks to this manipulation, you can achieve a lasting effect of penis thickening for several sensations.

It's interesting! You should be aware that some doctors use glycerin or petroleum jelly instead of subcutaneous fat as implants. However, as a result of such manipulations, the patient begins skin necrosis and an acute inflammatory process occurs.
In any operation, whether lipophilic or ligamentotomy, the surgeon completes the work by applying cosmetic sutures. These can be self-absorbing or conventional surgical sutures. In any case, no woman will see any signs of interference.
Rehabilitation period
After the operation, the patient stays in the clinic for another 7 days. This time is enough for the stitch to heal completely. In addition, a man may feel uncomfortable, so the timely administration of painkillers will greatly alleviate the situation. After a week, all unpleasant and painful feelings disappear.

In the postoperative period, after ligamentotomy and implantation, it is mandatory to wear an extension. This design not only serves as an additional extension of 2-2, 5 cm, but also prevents the penis from returning to its original size. The patient independently adjusts the intensity of the tension so that pain does not occur. If you ignore this advice, the effect of the operation will be in vain.

In addition, a man must follow certain rules throughout the rehabilitation period:
- Do not engage in sexual or other physical activity for 3-4 weeks;
- Do not use tight underwear. It is better to prefer "family" shorts, which help to restore microcirculation in the area of surgical intervention;
- Do not visit pools and other water bodies. It is better to protect the suture site from moisture, and wipe the scrotum and penis with a towel immediately after showering;
- To prevent the development of infections, to carry out treatment with special means, which must be prescribed by a surgeon.
Non-surgical methods of penis enlargement
- Ointments. . . Advertising of miraculous creams claims that it is possible to get close to the desired size thanks to the plant extracts it contains. But real opinions speak of a completely different effect. Of course, there will be no serious health consequences such as penis enlargement. But the skin on the penis will be smooth and delicate;
- Pills. . . Another myth is that vitamin supplements can affect the length and width of the penis. But still, dietary supplements have not hurt anyone yet. However, the expected results of such treatment will not be happy;
- Physical exercises.Those who promote the idea of muscular penis enlargement are far from anatomists. The penis is a corpus cavernosum that collects blood during an erection. And no training can have such an effect. Fortunately, exercise plays a positive role - it’s about preventing prostatitis, improving potency, and more;
- Vacuum pump. . . This is probably the only non-surgical method that works. However, the effect is calculated in no more than 24 hours. After a day, the elongated penis shrinks to its original size. But the side effects are really terrible - bruises, organ deformities and even rupture of blood vessels.
No method advertised on the Internet or in the media will help the penis to lengthen, even if it is not a centimeter or two. Only surgery will provide a fast, safe and guaranteed result.